Grace Church
Long Range Plan Approved
At a special meeting Sunday, August 27, Vestry reviewed and
approved a strategic plan for Grace Church--a plan for to rebuild
and revitalize Grace Church so it can regain its ability to serve
its parishioners, its community and the Church. Noteworthy
throughout the plan is the emphasis on service to the community,
even in the face of financial adversity.
In his introduction to the plan, Parish Administrator Jim Edgy
"I thank the chairs and members of the several committees, without
whose thoughtful and dedicated effort, this plan would not have
"Grace Church has long had a statement of values that guides
its decisions (see left side of this page). However, having an
organization that can sustain itself and grow and attract new
people who believe in those values does not happen just by stating
"The thing to remember is that this plan is an outline. There are
many details left for committees to discuss and determine how they
are going to be implemented.
"We need every person to play a part. You may not be able to work
actively on a committee, but you can let your friends who miss
church know that they are missed. You can invite other friends to
church with you. You can pray that Grace Church will thrive.
"In the parable of the feeding of the five thousand, the disciples
ask Christ what they should do because they thought that feeding
that many people would be impossible. Christ replied, 'Go and see
what you can find.' They went and asked what the people had, and
it turned out that it was enough, and more.
"If the people of Grace Church 'go and see what we have' and then
trust, it will be enough to implement this plan." |
Go and see the plan here ... |
Choir Practice
Begins Sunday, September 10, at 9:00am
With Karla Vogt's departure, it is especially important that we
have some additional voices if we are to have a choir this year.
You don’t have to have a great voice, read music, or anything of
that sort. Just be willing to come to rehearsals on Sunday at
9:00am where I will pound out your part on the piano for you.
We are getting to the critical point where the question is,
“Can we have a choir?" Currently, we have a quartet, not a choir.
And the quality of the choir depends upon having many voices.
If you think the choir is important to our services and you
want the choir to sound better, please prayerfully consider
joining the choir. We need you. Please see me if you have
Jim Edgy, Minister of Music (513-541-2415,
gechurch@fuse.net ).
To Our Newly Retired
After 28 years of dedicated service to the Cincinnati Health
Department, Walter Handy will retire as Assistant Health
Commissioner on September 1. Walter is an “8 o'clocker” who has
served Grace Church in many capacities including Senior Warden.
When asked about his most memorable experience, Walter said there
were many but recalled the BASF chemical plant explosion in 1989
in the populated area near Montgomery Rd. and Dana Ave. Walter
oversaw the extensive follow-up involving many cracked building
foundations and possible spread of particulates. Walter still runs
10-12 miles per week, plays tennis once a week, and often walks
with wife, Judy. He is looking forward to possible consultant
tasks and volunteering with public health projects.
Jo Carroll will retire for the second time on September
7, after five years with the Kroger Company. Previously, Jo had
retired from a number of years service as a court stenographer
with the Hamilton County Courts. Jo compared this latter work as
learning a foreign language and a musical instrument
simultaneously. Jo has helped out in many ways at Grace Church
including serving on the Vestry, Lay Eucharistic Visitor and the
Healing Ministry. While her future plans are still in formation,
she may decide to enjoy the retiree life in Florida this winter.
Best Wishes to both our retirees!
Article contributed by Grace Staples. |
Pumpkin Patch
Festival Coming to College Hill in October
The Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival on October 7 provides a good
opportunity for Grace to show it is alive and kicking.
We could do this in a several ways: In the Scarecrow Contest
(Who can come up with a great fun scarecrow?) or by renting a
table ( it's only $35 and they give us a couple of chairs too) or
we could simply offer a couple of volunteers.
Contact Mary McLain (513-541-8509,
maryemclain@fus e.net)
if you're interested in helping Grace show its renewed presence in
College Hill. |
Mary McLain reports that Grace Church and our neighbors across
the street, the College Hill Recreation Center, both of whom need
additional parking, are exploring their mutual interests.
Grace, who has the vacant property but no money to build a
proper lot and the Recreation Center, which has the wherewithal to
build a parking lot but no land upon which to build, are
discussing the possibility of developing a lot for joint use. So
far we have had one meeting and a letter of inquiry has been sent
to the City. The Recreation Center Manager reports the City is
very interested. We should be hearing from them soon. |
College Hill
Offers Many Opportunities to Contribute
Mary McLain has been attending the College Hill Summit as a
Grace representative and reports on some of the unmet needs in our
community. (The Summit is a monthly meeting of representatives of
College Hill groups whose purpose is to share information and
coordinate efforts).
- The Pleasant Hill Academy, which has been in academic
emergency for several years, has a new Principal and Assistant
Principal who are asking the community for tutors, classroom
helpers, and adults to play with the children and teach them
games, so they have more to do than just run around and yell.
- The Principal at the College Hill Fundamental School says
her kids need help with emotional and behavioral issues and the
parents need help learning to improve their parenting skills.
- Aiken High School students have a host of unmet needs from
homelessness to hunger to a need for counseling as well as
school supplies and personal hygiene products. The Franciscan
Sisters of the Poor , who are hoping to start a Holistic Healing
Ministry in CH, want to provide support for the staff and
teachers who work with the kids.
Mary asks, "Are there some ways we at Grace, few that we are,
could help our community's children?"
Presentation Rescheduled for September 16
That Demographic Study Presentation is now scheduled for
Saturday, September 16 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. Come and learn about
the area we serve. |
ECW Annual
Conference Coming in October
The Rev. Nancy Roth, Episcopal priest, retreat leader, author,
dancer and musician is the keynoter and workshop leader at the
Episcopal Church Women Conference on October 13 and 14.
Held at the Procter Camp & Conference Center, the retreat is a
time for women from around the diocese to come together for
spiritual nourishment and fellowship. Costs range from $40 for
commuters to $80 for single occupancy room.
Register online at
www.episcopal-dso.org, under the Calendar or contact the Rev.
Deacon Irene Radcliff (614-267- 2145,
imradcliff@yahoo. com).
Registration deadline: October 2. |
St. Phillip's to
Sell Building, Continue Ministry
St. Philip's Church in Northside asked that the following
message be shared with the Diocese:
After many years of struggling with the ever- increasing cost of
maintaining a church that was built in 1872 and a parish hall that
was built in 1930, St. Philip's has reached the difficult
conclusion that if the ministry of St. Philip's was to survive and
thrive, then the building needed to sold. The need for ministry
and witness to the Northside neighborhood continues to grow.
In consultation with Bishop Price and the Committee on
Congregational Life, a plan was formed and the Mission Council
petitioned the Standing Committee for permission to sell the
church and its property at 4139 Kirby Road and to use the proceeds
from the sale to finance the on-going ministry of St. Philip's in
Northside. Permission was granted. A sale to the Northside
Community Baptist Church, who has been sharing our worship space
is pending. Northside Community GED School, which has been housed
at St. Philip's for the last twenty-five years, is currently
finalizing plans to move the school to a new location.
St. Philip's will hold Sunday and Holy Day Services as well as
meetings and classes in the building owned and used by
CAIN--Churches Active in Northside--at 4130 Hamilton Avenue. The
church office will be in the Rev. Debbie Gamble's home, which is
next door to CAIN.
The Baptist Church has given permission for us to continue Phil's
Place, a ministry to provide a hot meal every Friday evening for
the children and residents of the community, in the parish hall at
4139 Kirby Road.
On October 11th the Bishop will preside at a service that will
open at St. Philip's and give thanks for all of the worship that
has occurred there, the ministry that has gone forth from there
and the memories that were made there during the last 134 years.
Bishop Price and the congregation will then move to CAIN where the
space for worship will be blessed. A cookout will be provided by
White Oak Christian Church, a regular supporter of CAIN, for all
involved in the service as well as the CAIN clients, staff,
volunteers and Northside residents. At 6:30 the Bishop will
dedicate the newly remodeled Choice Pantry also located in the
CAIN building. St. Timothy's and Good Samaritan Episcopal Churches
were a big part of remodeling the food pantry. People are invited
to participate in any or all of the activities that evening.
On Sunday, October 15th, gathering about 10:00 and beginning
worship at 10:30, we will hold our first Sunday worship service in
the CAIN building. |