News for
and about Grace Episcopal Church
May 16,
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The Rev.
Ray Betts Named Rector Emeritus
At its last
meeting, Mission Council unanimously voted to make the
Rev. Raymond Betts Rector Emeritus of Grace Church in
appreciation for his service during his time as rector and in
thanks for his many recent and important endeavors on behalf
of Grace Church.
This Sunday, May
27, we will honor Fr. Betts during and following the service
at a coffee hour in his honor. Please
notify anyone you know who would like to honor Fr. Betts and
invite them to our
services. |
Breidenthal Seated
The seating of
our newly consecrated bishop, Thomas Breidenthal, in his
cathedra (seat) at Christ Church Cathedral last Saturday was a
joyful occasion. Your editor was there and caught the
moment. |
Pentecost is
coming May 27. We are looking for people who can read a lesson
in a language other than English. Please
contact Fr. Bower (vicar@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415)
if you can help out.
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Betts Art on Display at

Several works by
Rector Emeritus Ray Betts are on display at Christ Church
Cathedral as part of a larger collection of artwork from
around the Diocese. Fr. Betts contributed several pen and ink
versions of Grace's Christus Rex and two watercolors of Church
of the Advent.
When you are
downtown, drop by the Cathedral and take a
look. They will be on display through June 15.
Graduate to be Presented Sunday
Grace Church
honors one of the graduates of Grace Church's EfM (Education
for Ministry) class this Sunday, May
20. Chris Wallhausser will
receive his certificate here since he will be unable to attend
the regular ceremony at Procter Conference Center.
Additionally, Chris, who is the organist at North
Presbyterian Church, will play our Offertory.
Plan to be here to welcome and
congratulate Chris on completing the course.
The Grace
Church EfM group will go into its ninth year this fall. You
can read more about EfM here. |
Directory Proofs Online
pictures we took last Sunday for the upcoming directory of
members and friends are now online. Check out your pictures
(and those of other members and friends of Grace) here.
Church Conference Comes Again
the date. The Magnetic Church Conference
with Andy Weeks is coming
again to the Diocese October 12 and 13. In January, three
Grace members joined a packed house in Chillicothe and came
away inspired. Participants asked for a second conference so
more people could learn and practice evangelism.
Magnetic Church Conference is non-confrontational, practical
evangelism to help our churches attract and retain new
members. To learn more about this ministry, see www.magnetic-church.com.
More information will be forthcoming as the date
approaches. |
Thanks to
the Work Day Workers
Grace Church
thanks those who made last Saturday's work day such a
success. |
Vacation Bible
School Coming
in June
Vacation Bible
School is planned for
June 11 through 14. from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
A volunteer sign-up sheet is on the
piano. Please help if you
Kirkwood Dies
Kirkwood died on May 6.
She and her husband Jim were active members of Grace
and Jim was a member of the Vestry for many years.
May the soul of the departed rest in peace.
Class Not Just for Newcomers
class meets this Sunday, and each third Sunday of the month,
after the 10:00 am service. All are
welcome. Current members who may want to
refresh their knowledge of the church or learn more about what
is happening at Grace are also
welcomed. |
Page Added to Grace Church Web Site
We have added a
new "Welcome" page directed toward
newcomers, and we would appreciate your feedback. What is
missing? What is overdone? We know that
many, if not most, church visitors check out churches via the
web before they visit, and we'd like to make sure that we're
describing Grace in an attractive and honest way.
your feedback to the editor at eGraceNotes@gracecollegehill.org.
Symposium Offered at Hebrew Union College
Third annual symposium on Poverty, Welfare, and Religion:
Family, Gender, and Justice is being
sponsored by Hebrew Union College and The Union
Institute. It will be held on May 19 and 20
at Hebrew Union College. There is no charge
for the symposium but you must register in
advance. See more information here.
Grace Church at 513-541-2415 or office@gracecollegehill.org. Contact
the editor at 513-542-2941 or eGraceNotes@gracecollegehill.org. Visit
our web site at gracecollegehill.org.
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