eGraceNotes from Grace Episcopal Church
News for and about Grace Episcopal Church
June 20, 2007
In This Issue ...
July Volunteer Schedule
The Rev. Ernestein Flemister Called to be Full-Time Vicar.
About Our New Vicar
Fr. Bower Retires ... Again
Vacation Bible School Next Wee
Episcopal Humor?
Our Values
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July Volunteer Schedule Online
The volunteer schedule for worship assignments for July is on line here. Check it out, you might be on it!
The Rev. Ernestein Flemister Called to be Full-Time Vicar

On June 5, Mission Council voted to call the Reverend Ernestein Flemister to be the next Vicar of Grace Church.  The Reverend Flemester has accepted the call.  Her first Sunday at Grace will be July 1. Members and friends will have a chance to meet her at a reception following that service.

The Diocese has made it financially possible for this be a full time position for the next two years. 

Please pray for her and the ministry she will share with all the people at Grace Church.  
About Our New Vicar

The Rev. Ernestein Flemister is a person of many gifts, experiences and types of training, all of which qualify her to lead us at Grace Church.

First, let us look at her degrees.  She has:

  • A Masters of Business Administration in Marketing and Finance from Xavier University, Cincinnati.
  • A Bachelor of Science in Finance/Human Resources from Franklin University, Columbus.
  • A  Bachelor of Laws from the University of Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia
  • A Master of Divinity from Bexley Hall Seminary, Columbus.

Her wide-ranging work experience bodes well for her work here:  She has worked as a night auditor for Marriott Hotels, a Finance Manager for health care companies, an Information Technology specialist for a bank, a Financial Service and Sales Representative for insurance companies, including Western Southern Life based here in Cincinnati, a Help Desk Coordinator for Safelite Auto Glass, an Assistant Minister of Justice for the Liberian Legislature and as a Legal Counsel for the Liberian Ministry of Justice. 

Her church involvement is also extensive.  For the past 17 years, she has been a member of St. Phillip's Church, Columbus.  While there, she was elected Junior Warden, was a member of a Rector search committee, participated in the Choir and Altar Guild; served as a Lay Reader, an Acolyte Trainer and as a Tutor for middle school children; worked with social programs such as Eat So Others Can Live and prepared meals on a monthly basis for a homeless shelter.  She is is a graduate of the Diocese's Southern Ohio Lay Leadership Initiative) SOLLI program.

When asked about her management style, she said that she believes in lay empowerment and in consensus building. 

Grace Church is fortunate to welcome her as our Vicar.
John BowerFr. Bower Retires ... Again

The election of a Vicar makes it possible for our Interim Vicar, Fr. John Bower, to retire--for the third time, it is said!

Fr. John's last Sunday at Grace in his role as Interim Vicar will be June 24.  A reception in his honor will follow the service that day.

A Note from Fr. John

Now that the Rev. Ernestein Flemister has been suggested by the diocese and called by the Mission Council, my work at Grace Church is being brought to a close. The job of an interim priest is, among other things, to help prepare the way for the rector or vicar who will ultimately lead the congregation. This task being happily fulfilled, I am now free to leave Grace Church to the competent care of the new full-time Vicar and the Mission Council.

When I arrived here in mid-October last year, I don't think any of us quite expected that things would move along so swiftly. But I am delighted that the evidences of God's work here are so manifest.  Several initiatives have been launched and there are many opportunities to minister waiting.

The plans for the development of the property and all that they will involve are very exciting.

That the bishops and staff of the diocese have agreed to make the funding possible for a full-time priest here is a wonderful testimony to their confidence in the future ministry of Grace Church.

Much of the potential for ministry here is still pending. I can move on comforted that, with the leadership of Pastor Ernestein and the other leadership here, Grace Church will continue to grow as a ministry center for the College Hill area. I will be watching with great interest, and I will continue to pray for the worshipping community here.

I have enjoyed my, time at Grace Church and I have been enriched by your friendship, love, and prayers. My sense is that we have done well together and that the full fruits of our labor are yet to be realized. 

God is good!
All the time!

Faithfully in love and peace,

Fr. John Bower, Interim Vicar
Vacation Bible School Next Week

Grace's Vacation Bible School will be held this year from Monday, June 25 through Thursday, June 28 in the early evening--from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All young people grades K through 6 are welcome, at no cost.

The program for each day will include classroom activities, music, arts & crafts, snacks, praise dance and prayers.

To register, provide parent's and children's names, ages, address, phone and email to Grace Church, by mail to 5501 Hamilton Avenue, or email to, or call 513-541-2415.

At registration, parents will provide emergency contact information; complete a health sheet, including any allergies, especially food; activity restrictions and permissions; and any other information that may be pertinent for the safety and welfare of your child.

Please tell anyone with kids about this neat program.

Episcopal Humor?

We've posted a couple of examples of Episcopalians making a little fun of themselves.

Click here to see Robin Williams' Top Ten Reasons to be an Episcopalian and a bit called You Might be an Episcopalian if ... attributed to Garrison Keillor.
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