Sunday Worship Will be in the Cool Great Hall When It's Too Darn Hot
Worship Team leader Judy Handy gives us to understand that Sunday Worship will be in the air-conditioned Great Hall any time the outside temperature is predicted to be over 85 degrees.
It isn't as cold in there as this picture looks, it's just very pleasant.
All Sunday services are now followed by a Snack 'n Chat, where light snacks are available in an informal setting where conversation is possible.
Grace Church at the Pride Parade--What a Trip!
Bob Laake (pictured top left), who leads the healing drumming at our Wednesday night Celebration of Wholeness and Healing, honcho'd Grace Church's participation in the Pride parade on July 10. Hawley and Tina Todd (top right) and Josh Todd and Ken Lyon (lower right) had a great time drumming and flag waving along with others that Bob had recruited. The crowd response was amazing! The banner on both sides of the truck mentioned Grace Church and read ""Honoring all paths that lead to God." Our entry included three flags from the front of our church: the US flag, the Episcopal flag and the rainbow flag.. See more photos here.
Thanks to ...
- ... all who helped host four homeless families (including 10 children) last week at the First United Church of Christ. Helping were Roger Perna and Chuck Bowles as overnight hosts, Grace Stapes and Mary McLain as dinner hosts and cooks, Albertha Howard, Marjorie Shadd and Deconte Howard as kitchen staff, Judy Handy with food donation, and J White and Camille Boykins as children's activities coordinators.
- ... the Ohio River Valley Chapter Victorian Society in America for their generous gift of $100 towards our Roof Repair Fund. Several of their members were part of a group that toured our building and sanctuary on a Sunday afternoon in June.
We're sure that we've left out many of the people who deserve our thanks. Let us know who we've missed by clicking |
Prayers  Please keep these people in your prayers for their special needs:
Jonathan S., Noah, Chico & Ponda, Lauren, the Daniel family, the Cavalieri family, Virginia Chapel's family, Anne, Darryl, Caleb & Joshua, Brian, Kim & Robb, Erik, Alison, Alexis & Nathanael, Marie, Irene Bryeans, Dean Bryeans, Diane, Maxwell & family, Barbara, Beverly, Bob and Rita, Mrs. Tylicki, and Father Bower. Please pray also for those members and friends who are unable to attend services: M. Back, M. Bellows, J. Carroll, E. Gscheidle, N. Hall, A. Henneberg, J. Henthorn, E. Kelly, N. Kester, C. Phethean, E. Pinto, M. Ratliff, C. Relyea, MJ Showers, and J. Strohmeier. We also offer prayers of thanksgiving for the healing of three persons on our prayer list. Requests for prayers may be called in to the church cell phone: 513-763-9520. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
News Shorts
- The worship volunteer schedule for August has been posted here. Check now to see if you're scheduled. If you can't make it, find a replacement and let know. If you'd like to participate more actively in our worship in any way, let Worship Team Chair Judy Handy (513-681-5829, know.
- Our diocese has completely reformatted their web site and it has a great new look. See it here. Your editor went browsing through it last week, and found some really useful information there.
- If you'd like an uptodate copy of the name and address section of the Grace Church directory, let the editor know (
- Chuck Bowles reports that the proposal to host a day care center at Grace is going more slowly than the owner anticipated. There are lots of details she needs to work through.
- Former Grace Church organist Jonathan Tan is now in residence in Australia. His address is School of Theology, Australian Catholic University 25A Barker Road Locked Bag 2002 Strathfield, NSW 2135 Australia. His email remains
- The African-American flag from the front of the church has worn out. A replacement costs $25. If you'd like to donate, go here, or send in a check.
Coming Events
The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office ( |
Thanks from an Unexpected Quarter
We are often unaware of the impact we have on people beyond our friends and family. Those rare moments are worth noting. With that in mind, we share this message from one Ron San Marchi (aka Nhojj). Subject: Thank you for welcoming homosexuals at Grace Thank you for being inclusive of homosexuals at Grace Episcopal Church. On a human level it means so much. I share this very special "Amazing Grace" with you. May it inspire and give testament to God's all-encompassing love. And I share this insightful blog post with you as well - "Homosexuals ... Dirty Words ... and Me." May these tools help to further promote understanding. Please share. Your work is so important. Thank you again. Yours, Ron San Marchi
Education for Ministry Starts in September
Education for Ministry is a program of theological education for lay people offered by extension from the School of Theology of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. It has been offered in southern Ohio since the 1970s and at Grace Church for over 10 years. The enrollment deadline is August 7, so act now!
Hawley Todd mentors an EfM group at Grace on Monday evenings. EFM combines the traditional functions of fellowship group and Bible study with a method of theological reflection designed to tap into our creative, metaphorical and mythical ways of thinking, to help us make conscious connections between our faith traditions and the "post-religious" world we find ourselves in today. A group of six to twelve participants, led by a trained mentor, meets weekly for 36 three hour meetings in the course of a year. The course is a four year program but participants commit to one year at a time. EfM features:
Small Seminar groups of from 6 to 12 students
Trained mentor(s) and thought-provoking texts
Theological reflection practiced regularly
Prayer and worship in a Community of study
Hospice Seeks Volunteers
Hospice of Cincinnati Western Hills is seeking volunteers to provide care and companionship for patients in their care center located in Mercy Hospital Western Hills as well as in homecare settings. There will be a training session on Saturday, August 13 at Mercy Hospital Western Hills. Interested parties need to call Judy Russell at 792-6989 or by August 1 to register for the training session.
Unity Walk Opens College Hill Block Party on Tuesday, August 2
 Grace Church has been invited to join other College Hill churches to carry banners and participate in the College Hill Unity Walk on Tuesday, August 2. Walkers will gather at the College Hill Presbyterian Church parking lot at 5:30 pm. The walk, which will proceed to St. Clare and then west on Marlowe and south on Hamilton, will kick off the College Hill Block Party events. Volunteers are invited to walk and carry our banner. College Hill Block PartyThe Unity Walk is part of the three day Unity in Community Block Party that takes place in the College Hill Presbyterian Church parking lot next Tuesday through Thursday from 6 to 9 pm each evening. Tuesday, Aug. 2: The block party starts with the annual National Night Out Celebration. The band Most Wanted will provide entertainment and there will be police and fire units on display. There is free food and activities for kids such as games and face painting and a home run derby. Wednesday, Aug, 3: P. Ann Everson and the Cincinnati Super Choir presents Gems of Jazz and Big Band Sounds. There is free food and activities for kids such as games and face painting and juggling lessons for kids as well as a home run derby. Thursday, Aug. 4: Entertainment by Cincinnati's MC Till and DJ Apryl Rain. There is free food and activities for kids such as games and face painting for kids as well as a three-on-three basketball tournament.
Last-Minute Exchange Student Hosting Opportunity
We have received a request from Bete Braun, who works for a non-profit High School Exchange Organization called Council on International Educational Exchange.
He/she says, "I am inquiring if you would be willing to share information about hosting an exchange student. Our students are coming in August 2011. We are looking for a host family for Geonhee, exchange student from Korea. His father is an Episcopal priest in Korea. Our students have the appropriate visa, medical insurance and pay for all of their own expenses, with the exception of room and board."
Geonhee is a 16 year old boy from South Korea. "I have an effervescent personality. I'm very active." He enjoys photography, Taekwondo, basketball, soccer, and swimming, He is looking forward to basketball while in the US. He has one older sister. Geonhee attends Ghandi School, an alternative style school, where he lives in the dorms. He is excited to cook traditional Korean food for his host family. GPA: 3.6 SLEP Score: 50. Program Length: 10 months. Allergies: No.
For more information, contact Bete Braun (513-398-9819,
Coming Events at Procter Center (aka Procter Camp and Conference Center aka Procter Farm)
Ms. Christine Tokarz, the new director of Procter Center, sent us a quick list of upcoming events at our diocesan camp and conference center. By all appearances, Procter is experience a rebirth.
You can learn more about many these events at the Procter website, or by emailing the listed contact. Procter Events: Save The Date: