A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.
Issue 146, November 11, 2011
Dear Friend,
I'm looking forward to the Congregational Meeting tomorrow. Some of us have met several times since the last meeting to get the agenda just right. We're hoping that this meeting can mark a real step forward for Grace Church.  In unrelated news, I happen to be preaching at Sunday's Eucharist. I hope the cartoon isn't predictive. Ken
Congregational Meeting Tomorrow--Saturday, November 1--Starts with Breakfast at 9:30
Tomorrow's Congregational Meeting starts with breakfast served by My Sisters Kitchen which will include a sausage casserole, biscuits, juice and more.
The meeting proper begins at 10 and ends at 12:30. Our purpose will be to decide what we want to change at Grace, how to make the change and how to evaluate the change. Our theme will be "The Healthy Church." You can see the agenda here.
This meeting follows up on the October 9 meeting in which we discussed the current state of Grace Church and identified the functions into which we're currently pouring our energy. You can see notes from that meeting here.
"Healthy Congregation?" What's That?
The first of the Diocese's five missional strategies around which all its efforts are aligned is supporting healthy churches.
Canon Jack Koepke is the diocese liaison with groups working on this strategy. In a recent meeting with him, with tongue only slightly in cheek, your wardens and the writer asked him what a healthy church was and whether Grace Church was on his list.
We learned that the definition of "healthy church" is a work in progress. We also understood that Grace Church certainly falls within the scope of what this "healthy church" strategy is meant to support.
In preparation for tomorrow's Congregational Meeting, your writer has been looking up definitions and quotes about health. Here are some that seem relevant. In your writer's humble opinion, when I look at what Grace Church is and what we do with what we have, we're a lot healthier than we feel some days. Ken Lyon
Joint Worship and "Blessed Grill" a Treat for Soul and Stomach
Grace Church and Life Renewal Fellowship (which worships at Grace) held their first combined worship and grill out on October 9.
Fr. Bob Hufford presided over Eucharist and Pastor Rita Bryant preached a rousing sermon on the Garth. The service was followed by a great luncheon in the parking lot.
All in all, we found we had more in common than we might have thought.
See here for lots more pictures.

Donations Needed Now for Christ's Community's Thanksgiving Baskets
Christ's Community in College Hill will be distributing 200 boxes for people in need of food for the Thanksgiving holiday. Grace Church was assigned yams for donation. Roger Perna has ordered eight cases of yams. The food boxes will be assembled next week so we only have this Sunday to obtain contributions toward the purchase of the yams.
If you are able and wish to donate for the purchase please add that to offertory gift. If you wish to give more a check for $20 would provide one turkey. You can also donate online by clicking here. If you have any questions about this please call Marjorie Shadd @ 513-853-0991.
"Gospel of Mark" Coming to All Saint's Church
Wanda Miller is organizing a group to attend a performance of the Gospel of Mark at All Saint's Church on Sunday December 4. She says, " Some of plan to attend a 2-hour dramatization entitled "The Gospel of Mark", performed by an award-winning actor named Wayne S Turney. The ads say it is entertaining and moving." Wanda was scheduled to order tickets for our group earlier this week, but talk to her about arrangements. You can learn more about this event here, and you can order tickets directly here.
Stewardship Campaign
Grace's annual stewardship campaign is underway, through November 13th. Our theme is "Common Ministry is Everyone's Job; Praying, Working, Giving, Rejoicing."
We are celebrating all the good things that the Lord has allowed us to accomplish this past year, and we are calling on all members of the Grace Family to pledge to continue to support our work through prayer, being "hands on" active at church, financial support, and by thanking God for all the blessings he has given us!
You should have received your Estimated Annual Giving Card either at church or in the mail. Please take some time to prayerfully consider your pledge for 2012, and return the pledge card in the envelope enclosed with your letter or bring it to church by November 13th. If you don't have your card, contact the office ASAP (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415).
Let's all commit to being a full member of our Common Ministry Family!
Bible Study Moves to Sunday Morning
We have found that moving our Lectionary Bible Study from the two mid-week times to Sundays at 9 am has made it possible for more folks to attend. Each Sunday in the parlor we have a lively discussion the day's scripture lessons.
Please make an effort to attend--we want to make this study a viable part of our adult formation program. We will have plenty of copies of the Bible to read from; you are encouraged to bring your own Bible, if you have one.
Thanks to ...
- ... the people who have donated money for those new softer chairs that are in use in several rooms around the church. What a treat for the seat!
We're sure that we've left out many of the people who deserve our thanks. Let us know who we've missed by clicking eGraceNotes@GraceCollegeHill.org. |
P lease keep these people in your prayers for their special needs: Jonathan S., Noah, Chico & Ponda, Lauren, the Daniel family, the Cavalieri family, Virginia Chapel's family, Anne, Darryl, Caleb & Joshua, Brian, Kim & Robb, Erik, Alison, Alexis & Nathanael, Marie, Irene Bryeans, Dean Bryeans, Diane, Maxwell & family, Barbara, Beverly, Bob and Rita, Father John, Alice, Christine Zuniga, the Hagedorn family, Nathaniel, Zachary, Bonnie, Kristine, Judy J., Marci, Susan, Pat J., Rehan, Dee, Kim H, Mary S., Margaret K., Beth Tracy, Karen and Diana, Della, theThe Partin-Sharp family and Rita. Please pray for all on our prayer lists and the following members and supporters who are not always able to attend services: M. Back, M. Bellows, J. Carroll, E. Gescheidle, N. Hall, A. Henneberg, J. Henthorn, E. Kelly, N. Koester, E. Pinto, M. Ratliff, C. Relyea, MJ Showers, and J. Strohmeier. Requests for prayers may be called in to the church cell phone: 513-763-9520. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns.
Coming Events
The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org). |
News Shorts
- Calling all Musicians: Any folks wishing to lend their talents to becoming music leaders for the congregation (even if not for every week) should speak with our organist, Bill Jenne.
- Did you know? Procter Center (off I-71, near Midway, OH) offers full service meals and guest lodging 365 days a year. A possibility for your family or holiday gathering? For details, contact Robin at rkimbler@diosohio.org.
- The seventh annual Advent Carol Service will be offered by Ascension and Holy Trinity, Wyoming, on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 5pm. Sung in procession, this beautiful liturgical exercise is a highlight of the Advent season. All are welcome and tickets are not required. Ascension & Holy Trinity is located at 334 Burns Avenue in the historic Wyoming area of Cincinnati. Call 513.821.5341 for more information.
- Sunday Service Volunteers are needed in all positions including choir members, Sunday School teachers and sitters. Training is offered for acolytes, Eucharistic Visitors and Chalice Bearers. We are a Common Ministry Parish - everyone is encouraged to serve. Let the office know of your interest for training dates.
- The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cincinnati has received funding for their new Transitional Housing Program. This will allow IHN to pay rent and utilities for 20 families while continuing to work with case management to overcome long-term stability barriers. IHN will partner with private landlords who will receive secured rent for specified periods of time and a dedicated case manager. If you own a rental unit (does not need to be Section 8 certified) or know any landlords that might want to work with IHN, please contact IHN's Shelter Director, Stacey R. Hall, at 513-471-1100, ext. 18 or stacey@ihncincinnati.org.
- The Worship Service Volunteer Schedule through the end of the year is posted here. If you're listed and can't serve on your appointed date, please find a replacement and let the webmaster know. If you'd like to be added to the rotation in any area, please contact Worship Team Leader Judy Handy 513-681-5829, jhandy23@cinci.rr.com).
- Softer seats, anyone? Junior Warden Wanda Miller has found a great deal on cushioned chairs to replace some of our old metal folding chairs. She's hoping that perhaps each family could purchase two chairs, but of course, would appreciate any donation. The cost is $19.97 each + tax = $21.27 - two chairs would be $42.32 at Sams' Club. If you are interested (even if you don't have a membership) please speak with Wanda. Thanks very much!
- Flowers on the altar beautify our worship and can memorialize or honor important people in our lives. You can sign up to give altar flowers here, or on a signup sheet near the upper Belmont entrance, or you can let the office know your wishes. $35 is the usual cost of flowers.
- Christmas crafts will be on sale Saturday, November 19, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM at College Hill Presbyterian Church.
- This fall there is a good workshop taking place on several Saturdays. It is entitled "Your Muslim Neighbors 101." It's an informal venue for education and dialogue, an opportunity for non-Muslims to sit and talk with Muslims. It is being held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center on Clifton Avenue, on Saturday November 19, and December 12, from 11 am to 1 pm. See more info here. Check their calendar page for more info about the workshop and registration info.
Article on the Role of Healing in the Episcopal Church quotes Hawley Todd
 A nice article from the Episcopal News Service about the role of healing ministry in the Episcopal Church quotes our own Hawley Todd at length. This article provides a great perspective on what's happening with healing in our denomination. One might even get ideas on how Grace's healing ministry might be expanded. You can read it here.
"Encounter Islam" Workshop Provides Insight
Marjorie Shadd reports:
On October 21 and 22 several Episcopal Congregations sponsored "Encounter Islam" at Redeemer Parish in Hyde Park. Primary presenters were Ambassador Akbar Ahmed and interfaith facilitator Bill Sachs of Saint Stephen of Richmond.
The overall lesson of course, is that meeting and talking one to one can do the greatest good in overcoming the impact of prejudice. Research data offered in the sessions confirmed what we know there is much suspicion and lack of tolerance between the Christian and Muslim communities.
It was a valuable experience to learn about the special place Jesus has in Islam and the many beliefs the two religions share. There was so much of importance discussed and the sessions were videoed so persons who are interested may want to contact Redeemer to see the presentation for themselves.