A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.
Community Good Friday Service Again at Grace

The Community Good Friday Service will again be held at Grace Episcopal Church from Noon to 3 pm April 6. Preachers from seven College Hill area churches will share their reflections on the passion of our Lord. Ken Lyon will be preaching first. Bill Jenne and Todd O'Neal from the House of Joy are organizing special musical offerings.
This service is organized by the College Hill Ministerium, representing the churches serving the College Hill area.
Thanks ...
... to Wanda Miller for the Nick Vujicic article.
... to our bulletin prep/print team (Tammy, Rhonda and Madeena) for what they do consistently, regardless of who may be away or ill, what last-minute requests they may receive, or how uncooperative the printer may be! They're always ready to do whatever is required to get the bulletin out on time, and their efforts are greatly appreciated!! From Judy Handy.
... to our wardens, Roger and Wanda, from Hawley Todd.
... Ken Lyon for all the work he does on the website, eGraceNotes, Grace Notes and the computer, from Rhonda and Wanda and Gwynne.
... Judy Handy and Tammy Robertson for all the behind the scenes work they do on bulletin from Rhonda.
... Roger for all the work he does every week just to keep things going and keep the building open from Rhonda.
... Bob Jones, who doesn't do just what he's paid for--he does anything and everything that he sees that needs to be done or that someone needs help with and often stays on his own time to help, from Rhonda.
... Carol Lyon, for keeping the Mission & Formation Team Leaders focused on their goals.
Think about the others who should thanked for their special contribution. Then send an email to eGraceNotes@GraceCollegeHill.org. |
Easter is Almost Here! Decorate the Church with Flowers for Easter
Putting flowers in church are one way to join in the celebration of New Life on Easter. For Easter, extra flowers will be put on the main altar and the peace chapel altar. We also will put Easter lilies and other spring flowers around the baptismal font.
You can donate flowers in memory or in honor of someone. Suggested donations for spring flowers are $12 and for the altar flowers is $25 to $50. However, any donation is welcome. Make your donation by signing up the flower sheet near the upper Belmont door entrance, or by calling the church office (513-541-2415), or by going to our website to make an online donation.
Coming Attractions The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org). Note especially: - Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday April 1, 10 am.
- Maundy Thursday Service April 5, 7:30pm
- Community Good Friday Service April 6, Noon to 3 pm. Come when you can, leave when you must.
- Easter April 8, 10 am.
- Sharing Sunday - 1st Sunday of each month - collection of goods/money for the College Hill Food Pantry
- Bible Study - Sundays, 9 AM, Parlor.
- Snack 'n Chat - Every Sunday after service, Small Assembly Room.
- Healing Service - 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7 pm, Grace Church sanctuary.
Leadership Changes
Mission Council has appointed David Mukasa to serve out Marjorie Shadd's Mission Council term. Mission Council also approved the Mission & Formation Team's recommendation that David be appointed to serve out Marjorie's term as a Team Leader. Given the election of new Team Leaders at the Annual Meeting, the Mission & Formation Team Leaders have reassigned some Team Leader responsibilities. Assignments are now as follows: Co-Conveners: Carol Lyon (2014) and Hawley Todd (2013). - Worship: Judy Handy (2013) and Bill Jenne (2015).
- Pastoral Care: David Mukasa (2014)
- Outreach: Mary McLain (2013) & Grace Staples (2015)
- Newcomer Ministry & Congregational Life: J White (2015)
- Christian Formation (Education): Virginia Chapel (2015)
Support Asked for Epiphany Weekend for Young Inmates
Last Sunday, Laurie LeClaire, who recently began attending Grace Church, told us about Epiphany Ministries, a Christian ministry to prison inmates. Her Epiphany group ministers to 27 young ladies ages 18-26 at the Dayton correctional Institute. Many of these ladies have have never had a birthday celebration or felt loved.
This ecumenical group of volunteers is planning a a 3-day weekend for their inmates similar to Walk to Emmaus, Christ Renews His Parish, or Vio De Christo, with the objective of offering an experience of God's unconditional love. The weekend will include talks on prayer, love, and forgiveness. The the ladies will be showered with food from outside the prison, birthday celebrations, forgiveness ceremonies and gifts of bibles and crosses for those who desire them.
Laurie is asking members and friends of Grace Church to pray for these people during the Epiphany weekend on April 20,21,22. The names those who are praying will be put on strips of paper and used to make a wreath which wraps around the room. The ladies will be told that this represents the people on the outside who are praying for them. This is an awesome display of love that touches the girls.
Laurie is also asking people to write letters of encouragement which will be presented on the third day of the weekend, so that each of the the ladies will receive a bundle of letters from complete strangers. This makes for a day of thanksgiving, rejoicing and love.
Donations of $5 to cover the cost of a meal for an inmate are also welcome.
Laurie will bring signup sheets to church during her next visit. You can also submit your name by email to Laurie at llafemme@hotmail.com, and you can make a contribution on the website here.
You can read more about Epiphany Ministries at epiphanyministry.com. |
Let's Count Our Blessings This Holy Week
From Wanda Miller: Enjoy this video--never saw anything like this before! And you thought YOU had bad days.....Very inspiring and will bring a tear to your eye. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Learn more about Nick Vujicic here.
Prayer Requests
 Please keep these people in your prayers for their special needs: Tom, Madeena and Michael, Missy, Paula's Family, Hadiya, Scott, Ruth, Doug, Susan, Marjorie, Rhonda Partin-Sharp, The Partin & Sharp Family, Angie and LaMont, The Bennett Family, Rita, Nadine Renee, Rick, Bob, Jared, Teresa, Elizabeth Kelly, Carl, Lee Hardy, Tara, Paul, Shari, Rev. Ernestein, The Erik Handy Family, The Darryl Handy Family, Albertha, Dee, The Burlew Family, The Fantetti Family, Harry Shafer, Viola and Bill, Ethan, Paul and Ashley, Angie and Johnny, Joshua, Amber, Chris. Please remember these members and friends who are not often able to come to Grace in person: Mary Lou Bellows, Nancy Hall, Maureen Back, Carl Relyea, Mary Jane Showers, Jane Strohmeier, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Mary Ratliff, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg. Please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons you wish to remain in our prayers. If you email, please place "Prayer Reqest" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Pastoral Care
If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
Selected Short Subjects
We received a card recently telling us that the Cincinnati Northwest Camp of the Gideons International is praying for us. They said, "Remembering Jesus as our model, He himself was constantly in prayer. Following His example, we have decided as a group to intensify our efforts in 2012 and to do as Jesus did, and be in prayer more often. Our first step for starting the New Year is to pray for the churches in our area."
Worship Service Volunteers
Here is the worship volunteer schedule through the end of April. The whole schedule is available on our website ( gracecollegehill.org). If you're scheduled and can't make it, find a substitute and let Ken Lyon ( webmaster@gracecollegehill.org, 513-542-2941) know so the schedule can be updated.
Sunday Service Volunteers are needed in all volunteer positions. We will provide training as needed. We are a Common Ministry Parish - everyone is encouraged to serve. Contact Judy Handy (jhandy23@cinci.rr.com, 513-681-5829). April 1: Palm Sunday, Eucharist II - Celebrant: Fr. David Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Drumming: Bob Laake
- Acolyte: Mathias Mukasa
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Chalice: Wanda Miller
- Lector: Ken Lyon
- Gospel Readers: (members of the congregation - TBD)
- Prayers of the People: Carol Lyon
- Offering Counter: John Thayer
- Usher: Albertha Howard
- Altar Guild: Chuck Bowles, Jackie McCray
- Flower Guild: Chuck Bowles
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
- Sunday School: Virginia Chapel
April 5: Maundy Thursday, 7:30 pm, Eucharist II
- Celebrant: Fr. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Carol Lyon
- Prayers of the People: John Thayer
- Offering Counter: Roger Perna
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Chuck Bowles, Jackie McCray
- Flower Guild: Chuck Bowles
April 6: Community Good Friday Service, Noon to 3 pm
- Preaching: Ken Lyon, 6 others
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Ushers: Wanda Miller, Mary McLain
- Altar Guild: Chuck Bowles, Jackie McCray
- Flower Guild: Chuck Bowles
- Offering Counter: John Thayer
April 8: Easter Sunday, Eucharist II
- Celebrant: Fr. David Howard
- Preaching: Fr. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mathias Mukasa, Jammanuel Thrower
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Grace Staples
- Prayers of the People: Marie Mukasa
- Offering Counter: Roger Perna
- Ushers: David Mukasa, Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Chuck Bowles, Maureen Back
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
- Sunday School: Roger Perna
April 15: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mathias Mukasa
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: John Thayer
- Prayers of the People: Judy Handy
- Offering Counter: John Thayer
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Altar Guild: Lisa Perry, Tammy Robertson
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
- Sunday School: Grace Staples
April 22: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: Fr. David Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Jammanuel Thrower
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Maria Mukasa
- Prayers of the People: Phyllis Mukasa
- Offering Counter: Roger Perna
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon, Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Chuck Bowles
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
- Sunday School: Maria Mukasa
April 29: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mathias Mukasa
- Healing Minister (lead): J White
- Lector: Tammy Robertson
- Litany of Healing: Mary McLain
- Offering Counter: John Thayer
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Chuck Bowles, Jackie McCray
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
- Sunday School: Virginia Chapel