A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.
Triangulation--It's Not Just About Geometry
![](http://www.mentalhelp.net/images/root/family_triangulation_stockxpertcom_id26652661_jpg_.jpg) We recently asked members of the congregation for an article on triangulation--a term psychologists use to describe a situation in which a person who has an issue with someone shares their gripe with a third party, rather than the the person whose behavior is bothering them. Rhonda Sharp was kind enough to contribute her thoughts:
Matthew 18:15-18 says "If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector."
This may seem like archaic advice to some. In reality, it aligns in many ways with modern psychology. When people talk to another family member, church family member, employee, etc. instead of talking directly to the person they have a problem with, that is called triangulation. It pulls a third person into a triangle when it should actually only be between two people. Resolution is rarely gained in this manner unless the third party is strong enough to bring the first two parties together and help them talk it out. Usually, triangulation compounds the conflict.
Most times triangulation is intended to be harmless. Usually, it is not. Other times, it is meant to split people from each other and pull people to the side of the person who is triangulating. When that intention is present, modern psychology calls it splitting. Splitting can cause great harm in any environment it is introduced in.
The author of Matthew had the wisdom to know that triangulation and splitting are harmful. Therefore, this author directed people to go and talk to the person directly. If the person responds to the conversation, then you have won them over. The situation is resolved. That is why it is always better to talk directly to someone we have conflict with. It can resolve the situation.
If the person rejects your attempt to resolve conflict, only then you might involve other people. Matthew's author was wise enough to know that sometimes a sounding board and support are needed to resolve a difficult situation. Just keep in mind that a sounding board is someone whose advice you seek to help you resolve the situation. They are not someone who simply receives gossip. The goal is to receive their support in seeking resolution.
Matthew's author realizes that some people will not be able to be reconciled; therefore, you may need to protect yourself from harm. Verse 18 advises to take the person before the church, which may lead to a separation. Keep in mind; however, that separation is not intended to be permanent. Matthew also says that we are to forgive 70 times 7, so we must be willing to forgive and accept the person back into our lives when they repent and stop harming us.
As Christians, we will be our best selves, create the best church body and be the best example to non-believers if we strive to follow Matthew's advice. God realizes none of us are perfect. We may fall short. The good news is that when we correct our error, forgiveness is waiting 70 x 7.
Thanks to ... ... the ladies who attended the Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting on Thursday evening: Carol and Rita Lyon, Michelle Jeffries, Jacque Johnson, Rhonda Sharp--and Laurie LeClaire and J. White who popped in to visit and helped us make future plans. Seven shawls were completed and donated this month, and two members had shawls that were so close to being completed that they may also be finished before the other shawls are blessed on Sunday
... Terrill Silva for bringing her folk dancing group to Grace Church on Thursday nights. They were such a nice group of people who really brought a lot of joy to everyone they encountered that night.
Send your "thank you's" to egracenotes@gracecollegehill.org. Even though everyone who does something special may not be recognized each week (although we do try), we are aware of how hard members of this congregation work together to keep this church going. Most of the work done in this church is by volunteers, so thank you to every one in this congregation for keeping our dream of Grace Church alive by your consistent contributions. None of us could do it without all of us working together. |
Selected Short Subjects
We've scheduled worship participants through the end of September. The schedule below shows particpants as of today. See the Grace website for the latest version. In March of this year, Connections: A Safe Place (connectionssp.org) had a seminar in our Great Hall. This seminar was a huge success, and several people have received ongoing help from Connections as a result of this seminar. We have an opportunity to help this important agency even further. Kroger's Community Rewards Program will donate 4% of what you spend to a local charity. If you are willing to assist Connections receive this 4%, please follow these instructions: - Go to krogercommunityrewards.com to connect your Kroger Plus Card to Connections: A Safe Place.
- Click on "sign on/Register" to become an online customer.
- Follow the prompts and when they ask for the NPO Number for the agency, use #83231.
Prayers and Thanksgivings ![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-tBzmA-r5MBQ/TyBr6KyBFaI/AAAAAAAATE4/8oP3DrXQAus/s288/prayer.jpg) Prayers for healing are asked for Judy Handy, Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Bill and Viola, Lee Hardy, Christine Hicks, Derek, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, Mitchell, Bob , Jared, Shirley L. Allen, D.L. , Merrilee Atkins, Carol Lyon, Maree White, Verene and Katrina, Rita Lyon, Anna Keefer, Christine Zuniga, The Coal Miners and their families who are being laid off, Virginia Chapel, Our President and Our Country, Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Kathy Wills, East Price Hill and The Lauck Family, Don Wake, Patience and her family, Peggy Partin, Cleo Leach, Malachi Francis, Trish G. Russo, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Amandita Sullivan, Horistine, Eugenia and Kenneth, Helen, Pat Jones, Jacque, Kasey McAdams, Johnny, Lexi Woeste, Emily and Caleb, Earl and Ann, Angie Evans , Vickie, Drew Gibson, JB (Jo), John, Ruth, David, Alan Weinrich's Family, All people touched by pancreatic cancer, Sonya, Peter Harten. To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list. Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
Thanksgivings from Rhonda Sharp
Thanks to God for answering my prayers and helping me to understand his love and acceptance and for giving me the ability to live by the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law. Thanks also to God for leading me to this church as part of that understanding.
I also want to thank this congregation for their acceptance of gay people. I began to support the rights of gay people out of a deep understanding that treating people badly for being different was wrong. I had to fight for my right to believe that, because I grew up in a fundamentalist environment with very different beliefs. I never dreamed that I would ever face the situation of having a gay person in my own family. Thank you so much that I have a safe environment to bring this person to when they are ready.
Altar Flowers
Flowers on the altar next week are donated in loving memory of Luisa Tolman, whose birthday is June 23, by
Sam Spade. To donate altar flowers on the Sunday of your choosing, see the sign-up sheet in the church near the upper Belmont entrance. Or call the office. Or donate online here.
Ancient Wisdom Bridging the East and West
Jackie Millay conducts ChiKung/TaiChi sessions at Grace Church. Following is an article from Jackie providing further information. Recently, in China, the Second Annual World Cultural Forum was held. This was attended by a variety of leaders from the political, cultural, academic, and business areas. The theme of this conference was the creation of an ecological civilization, building bridges to peace and prosperity for all. One of the bridges spoken of by Master Mingtong Gu was ChiKung and TaiChi. Master Gu is the founder of The Chi Center in Sonoma County, CA. He addressed the growth of ChiKung in America as "helping people attain their autonomy to gain and retain their health, balance, and happiness." Since 1988, rigorous scientific studies of the health benefits of ChiKung/TaiChi have been conducted. In the 2013 Harvard Medical School Guide to TaiChi, Peter Wayne, PhD., stated, "... TaiChi plays an ambassadorial role, helping to integrate Eastern and Western approaches to optimize health." Bringing the global here to College Hill are two 5-class sessions being offered at Grace Episcopal Church. Starting on Thursday, June 27 from 9:30 to 11:00AM is DANCE WITH THE DAWN(or a little later) ~ EARLY MORNING TAICHI. On Friday, June 28 from 6:30 to 8PM is RELAX INTO THE WEEKEND, a ChiKung/TaiChi combination class. You are invited to explore the healing energetic world of 'Chi', your vital lifeforce. For further details, contact Jackie Millay, Instructor, at 513-405-1514.
Coming Attractions
The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. Here's a snapshot of about a week's worth of the online calendar as of today. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415). |
Worship Service Schedule & Participants
Here is the service schedule as of today. If you're scheduled and can't make it, find a substitute and let Ken Lyon ( webmaster@gracecollegehill.org, 513-542-2941) know so the schedule can be updated.
Sunday Service Participants are needed in all volunteer positions. We will provide training as needed. We are a Common Ministry Parish--everyone is encouraged to serve. Contact Worship Team Leader Bill Jenne ( williamjenne1@aol.com). The up-to-date schedule is available on our website ( gracecollegehill.org). Sunday, June 9: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon, Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: John Thayer
- Lector: Ken Lyon
- Prayers of the People: Albertha Howard
- Offering Counters: Ruth Bertram, John Thayer
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, June 12, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd
Sunday, June 16: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Dan Pater
- Bells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon, Don Wake
- Healing Ministers: J White, Hawley Todd, Tammy Robertson, Bill Jenne, Laurie LeClaire, Gwynne Gabbard, Sam Spade
- Lector: Grace Staples
- Litany of Healing: Judy Handy
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, June 23: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: John Thayer
- Prayers of the People: Phyllis Mukasa
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Grace Staples
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, June 30: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Grace Staples
- Lector: Albertha Howard
- Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Bill Jenne
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Roger Perna
Sunday, July 7, Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers: J White, Hawley Todd, Tammy Robertson, Bill Jenne, Laurie LeClaire, Gwynne Gabbard, Sam Spade.
- Lector: Tammy Robertson
- Litany of Healing: Leah Wilson
- Offering Counters: Ruth Bertram, Roger Perna
- Usher: Ruth Bertram
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, July 10, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd
Sunday, July 14: Ante-Communion- Officiant: Ken Lyon
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Lector: Mary McLain
- Prayers of the People: Tony Saylor
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Don Wake
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, July 21: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: John Thayer
- Lector: Judy Handy
- Prayers of the People: Grace Staples
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Roger Perna
Sunday, July 28: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Leah Wilson
- Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, August 4: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: Tony Saylor
- Prayers of the People: Maria Mukasa
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Tammy Robertson & Lisa Perry
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, August 11: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Wanda Miller
- Lector: Grace Staples
- Prayers of the People: Judy Handy
- Offering Counters: Ken Lyon, John Thayer
- Usher: Grace Staples
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, August 14, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd
Sunday, August 18: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Lector: Ken Lyon
- Litany of Healing: Phyllis Mukasa
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, August 25: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Grace Staples
- Lector: Maria Mukasa
- Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Ruth Bertram
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, September 1: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Tammy Robertson
- Prayers of the People: Leah Wilson
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyoner
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, September 8: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: John Thayer
- Lector: Mary McLain
- Prayers of the People: Tony Saylor
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Don Wake
- Altar Guild: Tammy Robertson & Lisa Perry
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, September 11, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd
Sunday, September 15: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers: J White, Hawley Todd, Tammy Robertson, Bill Jenne, Laurie LeClaire, Gwynne Gabbard, Sam Spade
- Lector: Judy Handy
- Prayers of the People: Grace Staples
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, September 22: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: John Thayer
- Prayers of the People: John Thayer
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, September 29: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: Tony Saylor
- Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Grace Staples
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon