A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.
Elizabeth Kelly Celebrates 100th Birthday
Grace Church honored long-time member Elizabeth Kelly with a luncheon on the occasion of her 100th birthday last Sunday following the 10am worship service. Members of the Queen City Rainbow Band were there to pay a few tunes.  Mathias and Mariah Mukasa performed, and Pastor Will Hagan, Jr., dropped by to sing a few numbers.
Small Miracle Department
What do you call it? A coincidence? Or maybe a small miracle. Read on and make your own judgement.
Last Sunday, Bill Jenne had scheduled a soloist to sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow" during the Offertory. But the scheduled soloist wasn't able to be here. Hearing about the problem, Fr. Howard, our celebrant for the day, volunteered to sing it instead, and started practicing with Bill.
About that time, a blind woman, unknown to any of us, came into the church with her driver. Overhearing the situation, she volunteered that she had a "pretty good range" and could sing the song if we wanted her to. Both Fr. Howard and Bill were quite willing to let her do so.
When the time came, she sang. Movingly. Fr. Howard asked that the chorus be repeated so that members of the congregation could join in. And we did.
The woman disappeared right after the service, saying that she'd return in a couple of weeks.
The first part of this small miracle is that the woman just happened to come to Grace that Sunday, just happened to know the song, and just happened to have enough chutzpah to volunteer to sing it. The second part is that we were willing to take what must have seemed like some risk to let her do it. In any case, it happened, leaving at least some of us saying something like, "Who was that masked man?"
Selected Short Subjects
Needed for Grace Church's monthly Community Dinner:
- YOU, to sign up with J White to serve for an hour or more at the next Community Dinner that Grace Church sponsors. That's Wednesday, November 13, from 5 to 7pm. Call J NOW at (513) 532-9362.
- Fixins for the chicken gumbo that Grace Church will be preparing for our next Community Dinner. You can bring beans or chicken or anything else that goes into a gumbo. If it's perishable put it in the new freezer at the end of the hallway in the education wing or in a refrigerator in the kitchen.
Coats for Parolees
While working with the parolees in October, we noticed that none of them own a really warm winter coat. we thought that it would be a good idea to come up with come coats for them and give the coats to them when they come to work with us on November 21. Any gently used (or new) men's winter coats that you could donate to the cause would be welcomed. We would also like to give each parolee a hooded sweatshirt or fleece vest in addition to a coat, so they would also be appreciated. Please bring these items to church; you can leave them in the Small Assembly Room. You can also call Roger Perna (513-290-7309) and he would be happy to come to your home to pick up coats or sweatshirts. We normally have 5-8 parolees working with us each time we meet. Any additional coats could be distributed to those in need by Christ's Community in College Hill. Thank you for your concern in this matter. Sincerely, Roger Perna
Parolees Plant Grass, Bulbs
For their October Community Service Day, the parolees and Grace Church volunteers planted 100 bulbs around the church, spread a load of topsoil onto low spots in the side year and planted grass seed. We're looking forward to seeing the real results of their work next Spring. Mission Council Authorizes Roof Work Mission Council voted to authorize Kangaroof to replace the flat roof on the Belmont side of the church, and do some other flat roof work to eliminate some of the leaks that we've seen recently. In the near future, the Building and Grounds Committee expects to ask Mission Council to approve work to fix some leaks in our slate roofs. We're looking forward to a less watery future. Get Trained as a Benefit Counselor--Help Community Dinner Guests There is an opportunity for anyone who would like to be trained as an Ohio Benefit Bank counselor on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 from 9 AM to 3 PM at "The Healing Center" at the Vineyard Community Church. The Ohio Benefit Bank is an online service that provides information and registration for services such as Food Stamps, WIC, Health Care, Tax Filing, Veterans benefits, and many other things. We primarily want to have counselors to work with our guests at our community dinners, but, the OBB can be useful in many aspects of our ministries. To register for the training session, go the the web site support.ohiobenefits.org, click on the "OBB Trainings" box. We could arrange car pools to the training session on the 5th. I am hoping that several and many people will register and take the training so that we may better serve our neighbors with this service. Please spread this message to anyone else that you think would be interested. Contact me (pernas2@zoomtown.com, 513-290-7309) if you'd like to ride pool. Roger Perna
Thanks to ...
... everyone who assisted with the great 100th birthday celebration for Elizabeth Kelly following last Sunday's service.... Bob and Andy of Henkels & McCoy for grading the former site of "the mountain" near the parking lot. They were doing some work in the street, and were happy to volunteer to take some time out to help us. Tell us when you know someone should be thanked for their contribution. Email egracenotes@gracecollegehill.org. Even though everyone who does something special may not be recognized each week (although we do try), we are aware of how hard members of this congregation work together to keep this church going. Most of the work done in this church is by volunteers, so thank you to every one in this congregation for keeping our dream of Grace Church alive by your consistent contributions. None of us could do it without all of us working together.
Cincinnati Flow Arts and Drum Circle, Mt Echo Tribe, Parties at Grace From the pictures, it looks like the CFADCT (Cincinnati Flow Arts and Drum Circle) had a great time at Grace Church last Saturday. See more pictures here, or go to Facebook and look for Rich Borthwick. |
Prayer & Meditation Group Writes a Prayer of Thanksgiving
As you probably know, the Prayer & Meditation Group meets every Friday morning from 11 to 12. The group is led by various members of the group, so the style varies from week to week. Last week, Ken Lyon led the group in writing another collect, this time a prayer of thanksgiving. In preparation, we each listed everything we could think of that we were thankful for on postit notes and put them on a big board, which we left the parlor for all to admire. After some discussion of what we saw on the board, we wrote: O God, grantor of all our blessings,
in the midst of our busy and overwhelming lives, we pause to give thanks for the people who - Love us
- Inspire us
- Challenge us, and
- Care for us.
So that we continue to glorify your presence in our lives.
Person Sought to Provide Child Care During Sunday Worship
We are seeking a person to provide child care during Sunday worship. If you know of someone with the skills  to care for a few infants and very young children, please contact J White (513-532-9362, mizwone@gmail.com). This will be a paid position. We realize that there may be Sundays when there are no children to care for, however we believe that it's very important that this service be provided for those parents who want it.
Prayers and Thanksgivings  Prayers for healing are asked for Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Bill and Viola, Lee Hardy, Christine Hicks, Derek, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, Mitchell, Bob Jones and Family., D.L., Merrilee Atkins, Maree White, Verene and Katrina, Anna Keefer, The Coal Miners and their families who are being laid off, Virginia Chapel, Our President and Our Country, Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Kathy Wills, East Price Hill and The Lauck Family, Don Wake, Patience and her family, Albertha Howard, DeConte Howard, Amandita Sullivan, Horistine, Eugenia and Kenneth, Jacque, Johnny, Lexi Woeste, Emily and Caleb, Earl and Ann, Drew Gibson, JB (Jo), John, Alan Weinrich's Family, All touched by pancreatic cancer., Peter Harten, Cathleen, Lisa, Sunny, Judy and Freddy, David and Carol Rossman, Marissa Aleaander, Skip, Jane Strohmeier, Phillis Dietz, The Thrower Family, Anthony, Pastor Rita and Deacon Cornell Bryant and Family, Vincent Leu, Naomi and Gwynne Gabbard, Jim, Steve, Cloma and Estil, John Thayer, David, Jessica Veach, Jay Garland and Family, Mike Webster, Nick Lisi, Callie, Hattie and Ann. To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list. Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
Altar Flowers
Altar flowers last week were given by Ken and Carol Lyon in honor of Elizabeth Kelly's 100th birthday.
You can donate a bouquet of flowers on the altar on any Sunday in honor of or in memory of anyone. The suggested donation is only $35. Virtually all the Sundays between new and December are available. Just sign on the flower sheet by the door or call the church office or email spikelyon@gmail.com or donate online at gracecollegehill.org
Coming Attractions
The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. Here's a snapshot of about a week's worth of the online calendar as of today. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415). |
Worship Service Schedule & Participants
Here is the service schedule as of today. If you're scheduled and can't make it, find a substitute and let Ken Lyon ( webmaster@gracecollegehill.org, 513-542-2941) know so the schedule can be updated.
Sunday Service Participants are needed in all volunteer positions. We will provide training as needed. We are a Common Ministry Parish--everyone is encouraged to serve. Contact Worship Team Leader Bill Jenne ( williamjenne1@aol.com) if you'd like to participate in any of these positions. The up-to-date schedule is available on our website ( gracecollegehill.org).
Sunday, November 10: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: Tammy Robertson
- Prayers of the People: Phyllis Mukasa
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, November 13, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd, Laurie LeClaire
Sunday, November 17: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing in the Nave
- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Lector: Mary McLain
- Prayers of the People: Bob Fahrenholtz
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, November 24: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mariah Mukasa
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Judy Handy
- Prayers of the People: Maria Mukasa
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, December 1: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mattias Mukasa
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: John Thayer
- Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Ruth Bertram
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, December 8: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Wanda Miller
- Lector: Ken Lyon
- Prayers of the People: Grace Staples
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Don Wakes
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, December 11, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd, Laurie LeClaire
Sunday, December 15: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing
- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Lector: Grace Staples
- Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- Handbells: John Thayer
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, December 22: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Mattias Mukasa
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Grace Staples
- Lector: Maria Mukasa
- Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Jacqueline McCray
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve, 7:30 pm: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Don Wake
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: John Thayer
- Lector: Tammy Robertson
- Prayers of the People: Maria Mukasa
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon, Wanda Miller, Jacqueline McCray
Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day, 11am: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. Bob Hufford
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: John Thayer
- Prayers of the People: Grace Staples
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
Sunday, December 29: Eucharist II
- Celebrant: The Rev. David Z. Howard
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Acolyte: John Thayer
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: Judy Handy
- Prayers of the People: John Thayer
- Offering Counters: Bill Jenne, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Grace Wanda Miller
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon