A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.
Jammin' at Grace This Friday
Something new and exciting is coming to Grace this Friday at 7pm. It's Jammin' at Grace, featuring Pastor Will Hagans and anyone else who can sing or play an instrument who wants to join in a jam session. Come to the Great Hall just to listen, or come to play and/or sing. This should be a real jam session. Jammin' at Grace is planned for the last Friday of every month.
Got a Will? Good! Don't Have One? Please Get One!
 I know from personal experience just how difficult it is for survivors when someone dies without making a will. Without a will, even if your estate is small, things get very complicated very quickly for those you leave behind. My personal recommendation is that everyone should have a will. And while you're at it, designate who should act for you if you are unable (powers of attorney) and make your wishes about your end-of-life care known in a living will. I would also suggest that, in addition to specifying your survivors in your will, you also consider leaving something to the organizations that have been important to you during your lifetime. Of course, I hope that Grace Church is among them. Here's why: Recent bequests have made a difference at Grace Church.Earlier this month, Grace Church got notice that the estate of Robert and Marion Gross had left us $10,000. We were in the process of finalizing the 2014 budget, and this gift made it possible to fund such programs as the Community Dinner and still have a budget with a small surplus, rather than having to dip deeply into our reserves.
In January of 2013, the estate of Guy and Helen Bellows left Grace Church $27,000, designated for building and grounds work. We have already used money from that bequest to fix nagging problems with our leaky roofs and to put in a new sidewalk, among other things. In 2014, we'll use money from that bequest to insulate the Great Hall and air condition a few more rooms. Contributed by Ken Lyon.
For People Interested in Exploring Fresh Ways to Worship:
PLAY! Praising God in Life and Worship
PLAY is a gathering of people interested in exploring fresh ways to worship. PLAY will offer ideas for fostering creativity, planning non-traditional worship, missional church planting, and how to gather community in new ways through radical hospitality and inspiring liturgy.
PLAY! will be held February 28-March 1 at Christ Church Cathedral.
If you are interested in learning more about fresh expressions, being part of some inspiring worship, or are just love jazz, you won't want to miss this gathering. PLAY is for everyone, young and old, musicians and artists, lay and ordained, people who love liturgy and those who don't.
Roger Perna, Judy Handy, Carol Lyon and Ken Lyon have already signed up to go. Join them and be part of the conversation about enlivening Grace's worship.
To find out more: praxiscommunities.org/conferences/play
Register by Monday, February 23: diosohio.wufoo.com/forms/play/
Questions: Contact the Rev. Jane Gerdsen at Freshexpressions@diosohio.org
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the altar today are given in loving memory of my mother, Cloma Partin, on her birthday, by Rhonda Sharp.
You can donate a bouquet of flowers on the altar on any Sunday in honor of or in memory of anyone. The suggested donation is only $35. Virtually all the Sundays between new and December are available. Just sign on the flower sheet by the door or call the church office or email spikelyon@gmail.com or donate online at gracecollegehill.org.
Thanks to ...
... Sissy Lincoln for being our vocalist at this morning's worship. ... those who made today's Grace Church Annual Meeting possible, especially
- The Nominating Committee, Roger Perna, Wanda Miller and Hawley Todd,
- Those who agreed to be nominated to positions of responsibility,
- Wanda Miller, who organized the luncheon,
- Everyone who brought things to eat and drink.
- Leaders who contributed to the 2013 Annual Report.
... the Community Dinner volunteers who came Tuesday to prepare food, and on Wednesday, came to set up, serve, visit with attendees, prayed with people and/or cleaned up afterwards. ... everyone who helped with and/or attended the Cincinnati Flow Arts and Drum Circle last night. Even though everyone who does something special may not be recognized each week (although we do try), we are aware of how hard members of this congregation work together to keep this church going. Most of the work done in this church is by volunteers, so thank you to every one in this congregation for keeping our dream of Grace Church alive by your consistent contributions. None of us could do it without all of us working together.
Selected Short Subjects
Our own Jane Strohmeier is one of the artists featured in an exhibition of artwork by artists from Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The exhibition runs through February 28, Monday to Friday 8 am till 5 pm. Jane will be there on Monday from 1 to 3 pm. Clovernook Center is located at 7000 Hamilton Ave. There is no admission fee.
The Episcopal Community Service Foundation has awarded Grace Church $2000 to help support the free Community Dinners on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.
Jackie Millay points out that Grace Church no longer has a working CD player. There are 3 different versions of Radio/Tape/CD players at Church, yet none of them has a functional CD component. Is it possible that you have an old player that works that you'd be willing to donate to the Church, or perhaps you could fix one of ours?
We will be working with a new Parole Officer on Parolee Community Service Day the third Thursday of every month. Jennifer Wynn is leaving for a new assignment closer to her home, and Yvette Felton is our new officer.
Prayers and Thanksgivings  Prayers for healing are asked for Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Bill and Viola, Lee Hardy, Christine Hicks, Derek, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, Mitchell, Bob Jones and Family., D.L. Merrilee Atkins, Verene and Katrina, Anna Keefer, The Coal Miners and their families who are being laid off, Virginia Chapel, Our President and Our Country, Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Kathy Wills, East Price Hill and The Lauck Family, Don Wake, Patience and her family, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Amandita Sullivan, Horistine, Eugenia and Kenneth, Jacque, Johnny, Lexi Woeste, Emily and Caleb, Earl and Ann, Drew Gibson, JB (Jo), John, Alan Weinrich's Family, all people touched by cancer, Peter Harten, Cathleen, Lisa, Sunny, Judy and Freddy, David and Carol Rossman, Marissa Aleaander, Skip, Jane Strohmeier, Phillis Dietz, The Thrower Family, Anthony, Pastor Rita and Deacon Cornell Bryant and Family, Vincent Leu, Naomi and Gwynne Gabbard, Jim, Steve, Cloma and Estil, John Thayer, David, Jessica Veach, Jay Garland and Family, Mike Webster, Nick Lisi, Callie, Hattie and Ann, Judy Handy, Cyndi Miller, Laura Hubrick (Phillis Dietz' daughter), Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Marilyn, Marla, Mae Armstead, The Garland Family--Teresa, Debbie and Jay, Maree White, Viola, Irma, Debbie and the Shafer Family, Sherry Ridgeway, Susanne, Gwynne. Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church: Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Mary Jane Showers, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Phillis Dietz. To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list. Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
Coming Attractions
The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. Here's a snapshot of about a week's worth of the online calendar as of today. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415). |
Worship Service Schedule & Participants
Most of this schedule is new! Check it out and mark your calendars! Here is the service schedule as of today. If you're scheduled and can't make it, find a substitute and let Ken Lyon ( webmaster@gracecollegehill.org, 513-542-2941) know so the schedule can be updated.
Sunday Service Participants are needed in all volunteer positions. We will provide training as needed. We are a Common Ministry Parish--everyone is encouraged to serve. Contact Ken Lyon ( webmaster@gracecollegehill.org ) if you'd like to participate in any of these positions. The up-to-date schedule is available on our website ( gracecollegehill.org). Sunday, March 2: Ante-Communion- Celebrant: Ken Lyon
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Crucifer: Anthony Canady
- Gospel Bearer: Roger Perna
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Lector: Mary McLain
- Prayers of the People: John Thayer
- Offering Counters: Carol Lyon, John Thayer
- Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Ash Wednesday, March 5: Eucharist II with Imposition of Ashes (time TBA)- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Acolyte: Ken Lyon
- Chalice: Ken Lyon
- Lector: Judy Handy
- Prayer of the People: Roger Perna
- Counters: Ken Lyon, Ruth Bertram
- Usher: Mary McLain
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
Sunday, March 9: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Crucifer: Roger Perna
- Server: Mariah Mukasa
- Gospel Bearer: Mariah Mukasa
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Carol Lyon
- Lector: Ken Lyon
- Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
- Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
- Usher: David Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Jacquelyn McCray
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Wednesday, March 12, 7pm: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Lead Drummers: Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
- Ministers of Healing: Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr,
Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd, Laurie LeClaire
Sunday, March 16: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing- Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Handbells: John Thayer
- Acolyte: Anthony Canady
- Lector: Charlie Parker
- Litany of Healing: Gwynne Gabbard
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
- Usher: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, March 23: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Crucifer: Ken Lyon
- Server: Anthony Canady
- Gospel Bearer: Anthony Canady
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: Wanda Miller
- Lector: Roger Perna
- Prayers of the People: Tammy Robertson
- Offering Counters: Ruth Bertram, Roger Perna
- Usher: Ruth Bertram
- Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
- Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Sunday, March 30: Eucharist II- Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
- Keyboards: Bill Jenne
- Crucifer: Mathias Mukasa
- Server: Mariah Mukasa
- Gospel Bearer: Mariah Mukasa
- Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
- Chalice: John Thayer
- Lector: Maria Mukasa
- Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
- Offering Counters: Carol Lyon, John Thayer
- Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
- Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
- Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
- 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon