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April 20, 2014

A spiritual home where all are welcome; a healing place in a broken world.

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The Presiding Bishop's Easter Message

"Where and how will we look for the Body of Christ, risen and rising? Will we share the life of that body as an Easter people, transformed by resurrection and sent to transform the world in turn?"


The tomb is empty, and nobody knows where the body is.  Mary Magdalene tells the others about the mysterious disappearance, but they give up and go home.  Mary stays behind, weeping, and then fails to recognize the risen one before her.  As the days pass, each resurrected encounter begins in surprise or anonymity--the disciples fishing all night without catching, Jesus cooking breakfast on the beach, the two on their way to Emmaus.  Nobody recognizes him at first sight.


Clearly the risen body is not identical to the Jesus who was crucified.  People mistake him for a stranger.  He enters locked rooms.  He walks along the path to Emmaus for a long time without being recognized.  Crucifixion, death, and resurrection result in a transformed body--with evident scars, but changed nonetheless.  When he reminds others of God's banquet, meant for the whole world--when human beings are fed and watered, delivered from prison, gathered from exile across the earth, and healed and reconciled into a community of peace--his companions discover that he has once again been in their midst.


What does that resurrection reality mean for the Body of Christ of which we are part?  How does the risen Body of Christ--what we often call the church--differ from the crucified one?  That Body seems to be most lively when it lives closer to the reality of Good Friday and the Easter mystery.  In the West, that Body has suffered a lot of dying in recent decades.  It is diminished, some would say battered, increasingly punctured by apathy and taunted by cultured despisers.  That body bears little resemblance to royal images of recent memory--though, like Jesus, it is being mocked.  The body remembers and grieves, like the body of Israel crying in the desert, "why did you bring us out here to die?" or the crucified body who cries, "My God, why have you forsaken me," or "why have you abandoned us?"  In other contexts the Body of Christ is quite literally dying and spilling its lifeblood--in Pakistan and Sudan, in Iraq and Egypt--and in those ancient words of Tertullian, the blood of martyrs is becoming the seed of the church. 


The Body of Christ is rising today where it is growing less self-centered and inwardly focused, and living with its heart turned toward the cosmic and eternal, its attention focused intently on loving God and neighbor.  This Body is rising to stand in solidarity with criminals sentenced to death, with widows and orphans, with the people of the land who slave over furrows and lettuce fields to feed the world.  This Body can be found passing through walls and boundaries that have long been misused to keep the righteous "safe" and "pure."  The Body is recognized when the hungry are fed--on the lakeshore with broiled fish, on the road to Emmaus, on street corners and city parks, in food pantries and open kitchens, in feeding neighbor nations and former enemies, and as the Body gathers once again to remember its identity and origin--Christ is risen for the sake of all creation.


Where and how will we look for the Body of Christ, risen and rising?  Will we share the life of that body as an Easter people, transformed by resurrection and sent to transform the world in turn? 


Christ is risen,  

Alleluia!  Alleluia,

Christ is risen indeed!


The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church

Grace Church Passes Out "Palms to Go" on Palm Sunday 



After the Palm Sunday service last week, David Mukasa and his daughter Mariah, Candace Moxley, Ken Lyon, J White and Carol Lyon passed out the blessed palms to people passing by Grace church on foot and in cars. A small card was given with each palm that said "Peace to you on Palm Sunday." We wanted give the peace of God not only to each other during our worship service but also to strangers around us.  


J. White did not realize she was standing at a bus stop, but when the bus stopped, she hopped on and handed out palms to the passengers who wanted them. As she was leaving the bus driver yelled she wanted a palm, too. 


We distributed about 40 palms in under a half an hour.


Ken Lyon said, "It was great fun. I got a lot of 'Thank you's' and 'God bless you's'."

Holy Week Was Different at Grace This Year

On Maundy Thursday, members of the congregation gathered in the Small Assembly room where Susan Lehman presided over a Eucharist focusing on Jesus' words, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you."  Then,
Susan Lehman and John Dalzell served us a delicious common meal.

What a gift!  Carol Lyon said that this was the best Maundy Thursday she'd ever experienced. 

On Good Friday, members of the congregation gathered in the choir section of the church where Judy Handy and Bill Jenne, members of the Prayer and Meditation Group, led the them in meditations on the Stations of the Cross.


Easter Flowers

Flowers on the high altar were donated by Rhonda Partin in loving memory of her father, Estil Partin, on his heavenly birthday.

Flowers on the Peace Chapel altar were donated by Hawley Todd with thanksgiving for his beautiful wife, Barbara, and their children Tina and Josh.

Spring potted plants were donated by ...

... David and Maria Mukasa, who are requesting prayers for their children, Mathias and Mariah as they travel to Peru.
... Ken and Carol Lyon in memory of Irene Bryeans, Carol's mother.
... Judy Handy in loving memory of her parents, Gwen and Hadley Murfree, and her sister, NolaCarol Murfree.
... Wanda Miller.
"Pray for Grace" Lenten Focus is Ending 


Easter is the conclusion of our Pray for Grace Lenten focus in which we asked:  What is God asking of Grace?  


The answers that members and friends put in the purple boxes around the church have been posted on the bulletin board by the lower Belmont door. Here is a sample:

  • To give thanks for what we have been given
  • One evening a week have the nave open for a "Come and Sit with the Good Lord."
  • Suggest two chaplaincies that fit Grace Church ministries
  • Say hello to our immediate neighbors
  • Build the spirituality and healing community.

If you have answers that you have not yet written, you can always tell Senior Warden Carol Lyon or any member of Mission Council.

Save May 17 for the "Pray for Grace" Finale

On May 17 all friends and members of the parish are invited to discern together what God is asking Grace church to be and to do. We will meet from 10 am to 1 pm to review the answers we have been given.  Goodies will be served.

Between now and May 17, the Grace church teams will review the answers pertinent to them, research the possibilities and make judgements about what should be next within their area. They will present their ideas at our Pray for Grace Finale.

Please plan to attend. Your input will make all the difference..
 Thanks to ...

... the the many people who contributed to making our worship during the Holy Week and Easter marathon special.  Judy Handy merits exceptional praise. She planned and was intimately involved in the production of four special services, Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.

Even though everyone who does something special may not be recognized each week (although we do try), we are aware of how hard members of this congregation work together to keep this church going.  Most of the work done in this church is by volunteers, so thank you to every one in this congregation for keeping our dream of Grace Church alive by your consistent contributions.  None of us could do it without all of us working together.
 Selected Short Subjects


We have made significant changes to the worship volunteer schedule through the end of June. If you are a worship volunteer, please check the schedule below and re-mark your calendars.  As usual, if you can't make it on a day you've been scheduled, please get a replacement and tell Ken Lyon at webmaster@gracecollegehill.org.  Thanks!



Help Grace Church Tell Our Story on Facebook


242 people have now "liked" Grace Church's Facebook page. Until recently, that meant that most of these people would automatically see whatever we posted on our Facebook page. Recently, however, Facebook reduced the number of people who see posts on pages like ours, in an apparent effort to get page owners to pay to promote their page. Of course, that's not in our budget. However there are things we can do so that Facebook remains a valuable tool to share the good news about Grace Church.


For starters, I have begun to post more things on Grace Church's page, making it more likely that some of them will get through. I'm using lots of pictures, which draw more attention than simple text postings.


Then, there are some simple things that those of you who are on Facebook can do to help.

  • If you haven't "liked" Grace Church's page, please do so. Just go to facebook.com/gracecollegehill and click on "like." The more people who "like" our page, the more weight Facebook will give our posts. And, of course, this will help you keep up on what's happening at Grace. 
  • Whenever you see a post from Grace Church, click "like" to like that post. That will increase the likelihood that Facebook will show that post to more people. If you're not seeing our posts, go directly to our page by searching out Grace Episcopal Church in the search box at the top of each Facebook page, or use the link above.
  • Add your comments on Grace Church posts.
  • If you really like a post, then click "share" to share it on your own timeline.
  • Finally, if you have something to say about Grace Church, you can post directly on Grace's page. Again, the more folks who interact with our page, the more Facebook will share our postings with others.

Finally, if you're not a Facebook user, I'd encourage you to become one, if only to "like" Grace Church and interact with our page (although its also a great way to keep up with what's happening in the lives of friends and relatives that are active Facebook users).   If you're concerned about your privacy, there are ways of setting your profile to be as private as you want to be (although I personally have not had any problem with being hassled). If you'd like some guidance, read "How Sign up with Facebook & Interact with Grace Church's Page" here:  


I wrote this a while back, so there may be some details that have changed, but not the overall idea. 

Prayers and Thanksgivings


Please give thanks for the lives of ...


... Charles Davis, who served recently as sexton at Grace Church. His funeral was yesterday.


...  Dawan Trotter, son of Prophetess-Lady Michelle Hagans of Next Dimension Family Worship Center, which meets at Grace Church. His funeral was yesterday.  


Prayers for healing are asked for Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, the Rogers Family, (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Bill, Viola and Irma, Rhonda Sharp, The Partin Family, D.L., Merrilee Atkins, Maree White, Anna Keefer, Virginia Chapel, Our President and Our Country, Anni Gibson, Bill Jenne, Don Wake, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Johnny, Peter Harten, David and Carol Rossman, Phillis Dietz, The Thrower Family, Anthony, Vincent Leu, Mike Webster, Judy Handy, Laura Hubrick (Phillis Dietz' daughter), Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Marla, Mae Armstead, The Garland Family - Teresa, Debbie and Jay, Sherry Ridgeway, Jayna, Jan Sharp.


Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church:  Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Mary Jane Showers, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Phillis Dietz. 


To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list.  If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line.  Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin.


Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list.   


Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org). Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns.
 Coming Attractions

The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. Here's a snapshot of about a week's worth of the online calendar as of today.  If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415).


Worship Service Schedule & Participants

Here is the service schedule as of today. If you're scheduled and can't make it, find a substitute and let Ken Lyon (webmaster@gracecollegehill.org, 513-542-2941) know so the schedule can be updated. 

Sunday Service Participants are needed in all volunteer positions. We will provide training as needed. We are a Common Ministry Parish--everyone is encouraged to serve. C
ontact Ken Lyon (webmaster@gracecollegehill.org ) if you'd like to participate in any of these positions.  

The up-to-date schedule is available on our website (gracecollegehill.org).

Sunday, April 27: Eucharist II

  • Celebrant: The Rev. Anne Warrington Wilson
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Handbells: John Thayer
  • Crucifer:  Ken Lyon
  • Server: Ken Lyon
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Carol Lyon
  • Lector: Tammy Robertson
  • Prayers of the People: Judy Handy
  • Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Ken Lyon
  • Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
  • Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
  • Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, May 4: Eucharist II

  • The Rev. Bob Hufford
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Crucifer:  Mariah Mukasa
  • Server:  Mathias Mukasa
  • Gospel Bearer: Mathias Mukasa
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Grace Staples
  • Lector: Mary McLain
  • Prayers of the People: Sam Spade
  • Offering Counters: John Thayer, Carol Lyon
  • Usher: David Mukasa
  • Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
  • Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, May 11: Eucharist II

  • Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Crucifer:  Ken Lyon
  • Server: Ken Lyon
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: John Thayer
  • Lector: Judy Handy
  • Prayers of the People: Bill Jenne
  • Offering Counters: John Thayer, Roger Perna
  • Usher: Mary McLain
  • Altar Guild: Jacquelyn McCray
  • Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Wednesday, May 14: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing, 7pm

  • Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
  • Lead Drummers:    Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
  • Ministers of Healing:     Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr, Sam Spade, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd, Laurie LeClaire

Sunday, May 18: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing

  • Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
  • Healing Ministers: J White & Hawley Todd (leads), Tammy Robertson, Bill Jenne, Laurie LeClaire, Gwynne Gabbard.
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Handbells: John Thayer
  • Crucifer: Ken Lyon
  • Lector: Charlie Parker
  • Litany of Healing: Gwynne Gabbard
  • Offering Counters: Carol Lyon, Ruth Bertram
  • Usher: Wanda Miller
  • Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, May 25: Eucharist II

  • The Rev. Bob Hufford
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Handbells: John Thayer
  • Acolyte:  Ken Lyon
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Wanda Miller
  • Lector: Grace Staples
  • Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
  • Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Ken Lyon
  • Usher: Phyllis Mukasa
  • Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
  • Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, June 1: Eucharist II

  • Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Handbells: John Thayer
  • Crucifer:  Ken Lyon
  • Server: Ken Lyon
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Grace Staples
  • Lector: Sam Spade
  • Prayers of the People: Tammy Robertson
  • Offering Counters: Ruth Bertram, Carol Lyon
  • Usher: Mary McLain
  • Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
  • Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, June 8, Pentecost: Eucharist II

  • Celebrant: The Rev. Susan Lehman
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Acolyte: Ken Lyon
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: John Thayer
  • Lector: Bill Jenne
  • Prayers of the People: Mary McLain
  • Offering Counters: John Thayer, Carol Lyon
  • Usher: Grace Staples
  • Altar Guild: Jacquelyn McCray
  • Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Wednesday, June 11: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing, 7pm

  • Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
  • Lead Drummers:    Bob Laake, Rich Spirit
  • Ministers of Healing:     Hawley Todd TSSF, J White, Gwynne Gabbard, Amy Wehr, Bill Jenne, Colleen Kerns, Fran Malone, Jackie Millay, Matt Peffly, Sherri Elmore, Tammy Robertson, Teri Dettone, Tina Todd, Laurie LeClaire

Sunday, June 15: Celebration of Wholeness and Healing

  • Officiant: Hawley Todd, TSSF
  • Healing Ministers: J White & Hawley Todd (leads), Tammy Robertson, Bill Jenne, Laurie LeClaire, Gwynne Gabbard.
  • Handbells: John Thayer
  • Crucifer: Ken Lyon
  • Lector: Charlie Parker
  • Litany of Healing: Gwynne Gabbard
  • Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Ruth Bertram
  • Usher: David Mukasa
  • Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, June 22: Eucharist II

  • The Rev. Bob Hufford
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Acolyte: Ken
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Grace Staples
  • Lector: Judy Handy
  • Prayers of the People: Ken Lyon
  • Offering Counters: John Thayer, Ken Lyon
  • Usher: Ruth Bertram
  • Altar Guild: Carol Lyon
  • Flower Guild: Carol Lyon
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon

Sunday, June 29: Eucharist II

  • Celebrant: The Rev. David Howard
  • Keyboards: Bill Jenne
  • Crucifer:  Mariah Mukasa
  • Server: Mathias Mukasa
  • Gospel Bearer: Mathias Mukasa
  • Healing Ministers (leads): J White & Hawley Todd
  • Chalice: Wanda Miller
  • Lector: Mariah Mukasa
  • Prayers of the People: Carol Lyon
  • Offering Counters: Roger Perna, Carol Lyon
  • Usher: David Mukasa
  • Altar Guild: Wanda Miller
  • Flower Guild: Wanda Miller
  • 9am Adult Bible Study: Ken Lyon
Absalom Jones From the Editor...

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eGraceNotes is published weekly whenever possible. Our purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace and of other things that may be of particular interest to our readers.

While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, final responsibility for what you see here belongs solely to the editor.

The content of eGraceNotes depends on what what is provided us. Send items to the editor at egracenotes@gracecollegehill.org.

Photos in eGraceNotes may be edited to remove extraneous material.

Ken Lyon, Editor,
Anni Macht Gibson, Backup Editor
Grace Episcopal Church | Phone: 513-541-2415 | 5501 Hamilton Avenue at Belmont Avenue | College Hill (Cincinnati) | OH | 45224