| | | New eGraceNotes Format
We have created a new format for eGraceNotes which is supposed to be more mobile-friendly. Let me if you have any problems viewing it.
Ken (513-382-6401) |
| | Company is Coming!
This Sunday, April 26 our celebrant will be The Reverend Jim Strader, rector of St. James in Westwood. Jim is our liaison with the Committee on Congregational Life, which generously granted Grace church $10,000 for our outreach ministries in 2015. Please plan on attending this Sunday to greet Jim so that we can get to know each other better.
On May 3, The Reverend Jane Gerdsen will be our celebrant. Jane is the missioner for Fresh Expressions/Praxis Communities in the Diocese of Ohio. Fresh Expressions is exploring new forms of Christian Community. Jane has consulted with Grace on ways we might explore do this at Grace. Please plan on meeting and greeting Jane and learning more about this vital ministry.
On Sunday, May 17, our celebrant will be the Very Rev. Dean Gail Greenwell. She was named Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in November of 2013. Last summer she visited Grace church, where we had to opportunity to tell her about the ministries we are doing here. As a result, the Cathedral has generously given us a grant of $10,000 to support the community dinners and $9,500 to support hiring a music director to enliven our music program. Please plan on worshipping with and meeting the Dean of our Cathedral. |
| | | Creating a Vision of Grace's Future
What is your vision of what Grace should look like in five or so years? Mission Council has hired Michael Davis of Evans/Davis Consulting to help us develop a compelling vision we all can support. The first step is to establish a visioning committee who will work with Michael Davis to plan a Saturday work day with members and friends of the congregation to get everyone's thoughts on a vision for Grace church. After the Saturday workday, the committee will process the outcomes of the visioning session to develop a plan and strategies to strengthen and develop key ministries. They will present this Vision Plan to Mission Council and make recommendations as to next steps. Start thinking now on what you think God is calling us to be. Carol Lyon, Senior Warden |
Help Send Our Kids to Camp
We are beginning our campaign to raise funds to send our young people to camp this summer. Procter Camp is located in London, Ohio, and provides our children the opportunity to spend a week in a Christian environment while enjoying outdoor activities with many other children from all parts of Southern Ohio. The cost to send one camper for one week is $275. Last year we raised $2,400 which enabled us to send 9 kids to camp. We are hoping to be able to send at least 12 children to camp this summer, which means that we will raise $3,300. Please help us by sending or bringing a check designated "for Procter Camp" to church at your earliest convenience. Or contribute onine here. The first camp sessions begin June 15. Thank you so much for your kind concerns for our children. Roger Perna |
Music at the Community Dinner
The Just Born Jazz Band provided music at Wednesday's Community Dinner. J White tells us that they'll be back, perhaps augmented with a couple of guitarists.
All are welcome at this free dinner every Wednesday from 5 to 7pm.
See more dinner pix here. |
Thanks to ...
... J White, who, this week, filled in for Roger at the Community Dinner, and who dealt with the last-minute absence of our usual dessert lady. Also for arranging for music at the Community Dinner.
Flowers on April 26 are donated by Rhonda Partin Sharp in loving memory of her father Estil Partin on his April 27 birthday. Flowers on May 3 are donated by Candace Moxley in loving memory of my parents, Vera and Arthur Moxley.
Flowers on May 24 are donated by David & Maria Mukasa in loving memory of John Kakanoe Mukasa. If you would like to donate for altar flowers on any Sunday, please sign the Flower Sheet by the Belmont door or call the church office or email spikelyon@gmail.com or donate online at gracecollegehill.org. |
We Have an Opening for an Organization to Serve a Community Dinner We now have an opening for another organization to take responsibility for one of the Community Dinners each month. This would involve shopping for food, preparing and serving the meals, and cleanup afterwards. If you know of an organization that might like to participate in providing this important community service, contact J White ( mizwone@gmail.com, 513-532-9362). |
Opportunities to Contribute
Not everyone can serve on a committee. However, there are a lot of opportunities that don't take a lot of time but can make a wonderful difference. Here are some. - Bring Elizabeth Kelly to Church. David Mukasa visits Ms Elizabeth at Twin Towers and reports that looks very good and she is in good spirits. Elizabeth longs to come to church services and she is asking for anyone who can volunteer to pick her up on Sundays to bring her to church. Contact David Mukasa (dkm-1@fuse.net, 513-616-4320) to make arrangements.
- Scheduler. About once a quarter, schedule the people who are to serve during the Sunday morning services: lectors, acolytes, altar guild, flower guild, ushers, etc. If you are interested, please e-mail Ken Lyon at webmaster@gracecollegehill.org.
- Altar Guild. Once a month, for about an hour on a Saturday morning, prepare the Altar for the Eucharist. After the Sunday service, take down the Eucharistic elements and put them away. If you are interested e-mail Carol Lyon at spikelyon@gmail.com.
- Writer. Write an article for eGraceNotes once a month or so about an event that is happening at Grace Church, or about one of the partner organizations at Grace, or even just your opinion. If you are interested, please e-mail Ken Lyon ategracenotes@gracecollegehill.org. It would be particularly nice to get articles about:
- The Spirit Band
- The Baton Class
- The Uganda School
- Usher. Help people feel welcome at Sunday worship by making sure everything is in place for worship, that people are greeted, and that everyone has what they need. Contact Ken Lyon at Ken@lyonhouse.us.
Thanks to Carol Lyon for this article. |
Mark Your Calendar
April 26: Visiting celebrant will be the Rev. Jim Strader. May 3: Visiting celebrant will be the Rev. Jane Gerdsen. May 17: Visiting celebrant will be the Very Rev. Gail Greenwell. September 19: Ugandan dinner, music and silent auction. Details to follow. The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415). |
Next year will be the 150th anniversary of Grace Church. John Thayer is chairing the planning for our celebration. If you have ideas how to celebrate this momentous occasion, please let him know.
A new round of ChiKung /TaiChi classes is starting up at Grace. Pure Potential ChiKung/TaiChi--Five Thursdays, May 7 thru June 4, 11am-- 015; 9:30-11am Your Inner Healer ChiKung--Fridays, May 8 thru June 5, 6:30-8pm.
Open House for the New Healing Space of Cincinnati
The Healing Space of Cincinnati has moved into its renovated building and has launched its vision into a mission. You are invited to an open house on Saturday, May 2, from 10am to 6pm and Sunday, May 3, from 2pm to 5pm.
Given Grace's commitment to be a center for spirituality and healing, this is an opportunity for members and friends of Grace to get another look at what such a center looks like. The Healing Space of Cincinnati is at the intersection of Burns and Wyoming in Wyoming OH 45215. |
Prayers and Thanksgivings We give thanks for the life of Mary Beth Summer and pray for comfort for husband Robert. Mary Beth and Bob were dear friends of Grace Church. She had a beautiful smile and a beautiful soul. She sang in our choir and served as an IHN volunteer as long
As she was able. A former nun, she also was a frequent volunteer in Haiti and demonstrated in Georgia against the US government training foreign forces which were then used against their own people. Her funeral will be at St. Clare Church in College Hill Friday (tomorrow). Visitation is at 10am, mass is at 11am. Belinda Perna, Roger Perna's wife, had a stroke earlier this week. She has had surgery and is expected to be in the hospital three or four days. Please pray for Belinda's recovery and for strength for Roger. The Rev. Ernestine Flemister, who worshipped with us last Sunday, offers prayers of praise and thanksgiving for her healing. She has had three years of clear PET scans for her lung cancer, so the scans are no longer necessary! She is doing well and sends her love to all. Prayers for healing are asked for Rev. Ernestein, Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Rhonda and D.L. Sharp, The Partin Family, Maree White, Our President and Our Country, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Christian, Peter Hawkins, Judy Handy, Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Mae Armstead, James McNabb Nickname: Cousin, Paul, Katharine Thayer, Grace Moore, Stella Parker, Jim and Nancy Vath, Darryl, Anne, Caleb, and Joshua Handy, Father Hufford, Father Ray Betts and Mary McLain, Ken Lyon, Cyndi Miller, Gene, Wilson, David Malis, Jo Carroll, Dean Gail Greenwell, Beth Hall, Geraldine Stallworth, Earl Sharp, Virginia Chapel and Family, MaryAnn Chappelear, Jane Davis, Nikki Yaptangco and Desmond, Anna Black, Rachael Sarver, Lauren Flemister. Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church: Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Raymond Betts. To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin. Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list. Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
Get Ready for Summer Clothing Drive and Ice Cream Social at IHN Center Saturday, May 30 2-5 pm
As you're cleaning out the kids' drawers of outgrown clothing, please remember this clothing and supply drive for Interfaith Hospitality Network families. We encourage people to stop/drive by the Day Center (990 Nassau Street, Walnut Hills) and drop off donations, and then join us on the porch for an ice cream cone or sundae! Or you can leave your contributions in the church office marked for Grace Staples to deliver. IHN is looking especially for... - Clothing: summer clothes for girls and boys of various sizes (t-shirts/tank tops/shorts), bathing suits (boys and girls; various sizes); beach towels; beach bags; sandals or flip flops (various sizes), summer hats.
- Other summer items: Sunscreen, chapstick, umbrellas, ponchos.
- Food items: various snacks such as individual bags of chips, fruit and other snacks; and juice boxes.
- IHN Garden: small shovels, smocks/aprons, gardening gloves, knee pads for kneeling.
- IHN Play Room: a slip and slide, small pool for toddlers, gently used toys/books. For rainy days, coloring books, markers, crayons, dry erase markers, crafting supplies, kid-friendly paints, paint brushes .
Thanks to Grace Staples for this article. |
From the Editor... You are receiving eGraceNotes because you subscribed online, or because you gave us your email. You can unsubscribe instantly at any time using the link at the bottom of each issue. eGraceNotes is published weekly whenever possible. Our purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace and of other things that may be of particular interest to our readers. While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, final responsibility for what you see here belongs solely to the editor. The content of eGraceNotes depends on what what is provided us. Send items to the editor at egracenotes@gracecollegehill.org. Photos in eGraceNotes may be edited to remove extraneous material. Ken Lyon, Editor |
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